Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!

Now is a time when a lot of people make New Year's Resolutions.  And 11 days into the new year, they may have already broken them.  We don't believe in making resolutions that we won't keep, but we are setting goals that will challenge us to get out of our box and push us further into the process of becoming mature and ministering worshippers of God.  Some of our goals for 2013 include:

1. Spending time each day reading the Bible and praying for specific people and requests.  (For example, on Fridays we always pray for our home church and small group in NC.)

2. Creatively and verbally sharing our faith with at least 3-5 people each week.  (The hope is that as much as possible this will be done in Romanian, but we also recognize that our language is limited, and that many people here want to practice their English.)

3. Continuing to study language, but transitioning to a more ministry-focus by meeting with language partners.  (They get to practice English, we get to practice Romanian, and hopefully we get to talk about Jesus!)

4. Learning more Romanian worship songs, and maybe even writing some new ones.  (Many Romanian worship songs are translated from English, and a lot of the meaning is lost.)

Here are a few pictures from the holidays:

Caroling with our church.
Watching the fireworks on New Year's Eve.