Saturday, August 24, 2013

VBS in the Wild West

This past week, we were honored to be a part of an American-style Vacation Bible School in Alexandria, Romania (2 hours southwest of Bucharest).  Jessica led the music and Cameron led the games.  Here are some pictures!  (P.S. Many of these were taken by other people on our team.)

The whole VBS team!


Pastor Mihai and his wife, Ema

Ready to sing?

Cameron & Adi (a seminary student who is interning with us for the month of August)

Jessica couldn't believe what they chose for the morning song...Country Roads!


Friday evening program for the parents.

We had about 75 people come for the Friday evening program!  :)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me
and do not hinder them, for to such belongs
the kingdom of heaven.”
                                       - Mathew 19:14