This past week, we were privileged to work with a volunteer team from Illinois and a local Romanian church, Biserica Diakonia. "Diakonia" is Greek for servant, which is appropriate because they wish to "serve" the busy neighborhood where they are located. It rained lightly throughout the week, but that didn't discourage us. In fact, it had almost stopped raining by the time we got to our ministry sites. Praise God!
The focus of the week was evangelism ("evanghelizare" in Romanian). We wanted to share with people the love that God has for them, encourage them to read the Bible, call them to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, and invite them to come to Biserica Diakonia.
On Saturday and Sunday, we prayerwalked around the neighborhood and passed out invitations to a special evangelistic event to be held on Sunday night. The first day, Saturday, Cameron & a Romanian friend were able to go inside a student dorm and share the gospel with a lot of students. At one point they were seated inside one room with 5 Muslim students listening to Cameron share the gospel! Altogether, there were 7 new guests who came on Sunday night, and the American team shared about how God speaks today through His Word.
Throughout the week, we passed out flyers explaining where the church is located and what they believe. On Monday & Tuesday, we passed out free water bottles near a busy bus stop, and it was amazing how people would stop to ask why we were doing this for free. Wednesday, we talked to people in a nearby park about the gospel. Thursday, we invited people into the church for free Starbucks coffee, tea, and cookies, and Cameron & several team members went to a nearby children's hospital and gave out little bags of goodies.
We had a lot of good conversations, spoke A LOT of Romanian without translators (but they were usually around if we needed help), and on Thursday one teenage boy repented and made a decision to follow Jesus for the first time!
Here are a few pictures from our week:
Praying for the neighborhood |
Setting up the tent to pass out flyers & water bottles. |
Jessica passed out flyers with these two awesome young ladies. |
Passing out water bottles under the tent. |
Dinner in Old Town |
Setting up the tent on Tuesday |
Talking to a man in the park on Wednesday |
Singing together in the church |
The awesome coffee & tea baristas on Thursday |
"Refresh your body and soul with a free cup of Starbucks coffee." These girls stood out in the rain inviting people to have free coffee, tea, and cookies in the church. |
We also took a turn standing in the rain... |
Richard encouraging us all at the end of the day on Thursday. |
Thursday evening celebration dinner |