Hi everyone! We had a fun October, with a lot of time in North Carolina and ending with a Caribbean cruise! Jessica enjoyed going to the Broughton High School (where she used to teach) homecoming football game and hanging out with the girls while Cameron went on the North Wake Church men's retreat. We spent some time in Gastonia resting/catching up on schoolwork, and we really enjoyed spending more time with our friends from North Wake. On Oct. 19, we went to the NC State Fair and reminisced about our first time at the fair right before Cameron asked Jessica on our first date in 2010. At the end of the month, we went on a cruise with Jessica's parents to Grand Cayman and Cozumel, Mexico.
Here are some pictures!
Jessica with one of her former students at the Broughton homecoming game. |
A pumpkin spice latte for Courtney! |
Breakfast with Kim & Megan. |
At church with Lindsey & Jadon. |
Girls lunch after church. |
Cameron & Matt hiking on the men's retreat. |
The men arriving home from the retreat. |
About 100 churches in Raleigh, NC, gathered to pray in unity. |
Visiting with Tanya & Mary, former co-workers at Broughton. |
Visiting with family in South Carolina. |
We enjoyed visiting with Clint & Quinn. |
A picture of a typical Wednesday night dinner in Gastonia with the Lindseys. |
Cameron & Bill with Norm Geisler. |
North Wake Church 25th anniversary celebration in the park. |
The last time we were all in this spot, Brian was taking our wedding pictures & Megan was my bridesmaid. :) |
NC State Fair |
Fried oreos! |
Riding the ferris wheel in 2010, the day before Cameron asked Jessica on their first date. :) |
On the ferris wheel in 2014. :) |
North Wake friends at the fair. |
Visiting with Cameron's Grandma, Aunt Beth, & Aunt Kathy in Florida. |
Visiting with the Pops (and Jay G) in Florida. |
Sailing away on a Caribbean cruise! |
Watching the sunset with Jessica's parents on the deck of the ship. |
Grand Cayman |
Cameron holding a sea turtle. |
Jessica holding a sea turtle. |
Exploring some ancient Mayan ruins in Cozumel, Mexico. |
Cameron with his "pet" iguana. |
Viva la Mexico! |
The end of a fun cruise. :) |