Seven Junes ago, we loaded our belongings into a U-Haul truck parked outside our Bexley apartment in the Heritage area of Wake Forest, North Carolina. Jessica's dad was instrumental in our move, helping us pack boxes and then driving the truck to his house in Charleston, West Virginia. After celebrating our one-year anniversary on July 2, we drove six hours to Richmond, Virginia, for two months of IMB orientation. Then, on October 5, 2012, we landed in Bucharest for a two-year term.
Our first several months in Bucharest are somewhat of a blur. Because I had spent three summers in Romania prior to our marriage, I knew enough Romanian to get around but not enough to truly be understood. It was good to reopen old friendships and introduce my wife to Romania and some good friends. Most importantly, we were integrated fully into a team and partnered with a local church.
Instead of filling this post with numerous paragraphs detailing our last seven years, I'll simply choose three highlights and one picture from each year. As a caveat, please remember that each year spans July-June.
2012-2013: Landed in Bucharest and began adjusting to life in a large European city. Integrating into ministry with our team and church. The first of many opportunities to visit European sites with friends and family (like Ephesus, Rome, and Transylvanian castles).
2013-2014: Cameron substitute taught his first class at the Bucharest Baptist Seminary. Small group hosted in our home. Jessica painted lots of kids' faces, and trained several girls to do the same.
2014-2015: Six months in the US visiting churches, family, and friends, and transitioning to career status with IMB. Cameron begins PhD Intercultural Studies (later changed to Intercultural Education) program at Biola University. Joyfully returning to Bucharest.
2015-2016: Jessica helped lead/translate for a math camp in Sibiu. All but two families (ourselves and the Williams family) in Romania take the early retirement offer. Due to the new vacancy at the seminary, our primary focus switches to theological education and teaching at the seminary.
2016-2017: Sara Grace Armstrong is born on October 13 in Bucharest, and Jessica's parents come for three weeks to help us out. Cameron begins preaching in Romanian. Faith at Work ministry launched.
2017-2018: Sara's one-year birthday party packs our apartment out. Cameron teaches a one-week class in Lviv, Ukraine. Six months in the US to visit churches, family, and friends.
2018-2019: Noah Timothy Armstrong is born on November 26 in Bucharest, and Jessica's parents come again for three weeks to help. Cameron publishes his first book: Listening between the Lines: Thinking Missiologically about Romanian Culture. Cameron's parents visit Bucharest for the first time.
As we reflect on these memories, we thank God for his steadfast love and grace through eight years of marriage, seven of which have now been overseas. We thank our families and friends in the US for their love and support. We thank our many friends here in Romania who love us, help us, and patiently teach us what it means to serve God in this context.