Hi everyone! We arrived safely back in Bucharest last Wednesday, praise the Lord, with all of our bags! We were warmly welcomed by our supervisors at the airport, and they even left dinner and breakfast for the next day in our refrigerator. Jet lag has hit us pretty hard this time, but we're slowly getting over it. We're completely unpacked, but there is still a lot left to clean and organize. Our upstairs neighbors came down yesterday and even gave us a welcome home gift!
Highlights of December:
- Dec. 7 Cameron was ordained at North Wake Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC.
- Dec. 14 We spoke to two Sunday School classes at Parkwood Baptist Church in Gastonia, NC.
- Dec. 19-28 Christmas with Jessica's family in Charleston, WV
- Dec. 28 Cameron preached and Jessica sang at First Baptist Church of Nitro, WV
- Dec. 29-Jan. 1 New Year's with Cameron's family in Knoxville, TN
- Jan. 6 Flew back to Bucharest!
Here are some pictures from December:
Hanging out with Jared, Noelle, & Corban at Montreat College in NC. |
Cameron's ordination at North Wake Baptist Church. |
So glad both sets of our parents could come! |
Last small group meeting in Wake Forest |
With Santa |
Opening presents at Jessica's aunt Jeanie's house on Christmas Eve |
Christmas Eve service at FBC Nitro, WV |
Singing "Silent Night" by candlelight |
Of course, Baby Robert is the center of attention! :) |
Rev. Cameron Armstrong's first sermon after being ordained! |
Jessica singing at FBC Nitro |
Visiting the zoo with Amy, Hank, & Rory. |
Visiting the zoo with Amy, Hank, & Rory. |
Hank loved racing us at Bounce USA! |
He also really enjoyed air teeball. |
Matching mermaid temporary tattoos. |
We spent hours playing Uno with this kid. |
Christmas continued with John, Christa, & Robert. |
Last Chick-fil-a meal for 3 years...maybe. |
Dinner our last night in the US with Jessica's family. |
Jessica's parents & brother took us to the airport. |
Beautiful sunrise over the Brussels, Belgium, airport. |
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