Sunday, November 13, 2016

New mission point: Concrete Neighborhood

Cameron here. As pop singer Adele says, "Hello from the other side." This is our first blog entry post-Sara's birth, so we have decided to break up what has been going on into three blogs: three ministry-related and one baby-related. Of course, we realize that most people will skip to the baby-related one, and that's ok.

This post relates the goings-on for a new mission point in Bucharest that we are calling Concrete Neighborhood. It is a small neighborhood not far from our apartment, yet very much in need of gospel transformation. The folks there are mostly Roma gypsy, and it is a very poor area and known for drugs and unemployment. Here is the back story:

At the end of August, our assistant pastor contacted me about the possibility of taking a Northern Irish short-term mission team into Concrete Neighborhood to do facepainting, construct some soccer goals, and play with the 80+ kids that live there. There is a large concrete slab there that used to be the foundation of a Communist-era factory (hence, "concrete" neighborhood). We had a great time that day and I got to meet several of the people. Of course, they asked when we were coming back and I decided that Jessica and I would go again to see if we felt the Lord calling us to do more there.

That Saturday we went back up to Concrete Neighborhood and some of the locals told me there is a Romanian guy, C, that has been coming for four years on Saturday afternoons to do children's programs. Everyone in the neighborhood knows him. I realized right then that it would be best for me to meet this guy and collaborate with him. By that point, Jessica was nine months pregnant and so has not been able to be back since (hopefully she and Sara can come in the spring). So I went, and the Romanian man and I struck up a good relationship. Over the next few Saturdays, I had several good gospel conversations with a few other adults there, but realized that C did not feel equipped to do much with the adults. "But you can start an adult Bible study," said C, "and I will introduce you to everyone." (Talk about Luke 10 person of peace!)

The next Saturday we had ten adults gathered, and the one after that we had seven. I missed almost every Saturday in October due to Sara's birth, but yesterday I was back up there. Unfortunately, the weather here has turned pretty cold and fewer people are getting out of their houses. Nevertheless, we are a core group of four people that have committed to come together each Saturday afternoon to pray for God to move in Concrete Neighborhood. We meet in the home of the neighborhood's one believer; I give a little word of encouragement from the Bible and then we beg God to continue opening doors. And He is!

At first I was a bit wary that C's church did not seem to really be involved in supporting his efforts, but yesterday one of the elders of his church came and assured me that they will support us. Praise God! Also, turns out that the believer whose house we meet in has been graced by God with the gift of preaching, which means that when we begin growing as a Bible study and, Lord willing, one day a church, he can assume teaching responsibilities. Honestly, it is incredible to me how God is moving.

Please pray for Concrete Neighborhood. Ask that the Lord will blow open many doors for this ministry. Ask that God would draw many to himself in that rough place. Pray that as we meet in the coming months, our hearts might burn for Christ's kingdom to break through in that place.

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