Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ministry Possibilities

Over the last several months, we have really been blessed to get settled in our new apartment, begin to get a deeper grasp of the language, and we feel like God is opening our eyes to several potential areas where He can use us with the passions He has given us.  Here is a short list of some of our plans/ideas:

1. Women's Health
Jessica is researching women's health issues - specifically regarding a biblical view of abortion and birth control.  She would like to host community events as early as next fall to raise awareness among young people.  As you can see from the map of Romania pictured above, the abortion rate is extremely high in Romania.  There is one evangelical crisis pregnancy center in Bucharest, a city of 3 million people.  Jessica has met with the founder of a Christian counseling center and our pastor, and she would like to meet with more people to establish contacts in this field.  Please pray for these young women, many of whom feel like their only option is abortion. 

2. Mentoring Evangelism

Here we are at a local basketball game, where the son of one of our team members was playing.  The Romanian guy to the left of Cameron is named Mircea, and he is one of a few guys Cameron has begun to mentor/disciple.  Because Jesus emphasized obedience in the life of his disciples, mentoring should not just be a "heady," knowledge-based Bible study, but instead a Bible study that results in physically being obedient to the commands of Christ.  Each week, Cameron & Mircea study a chapter in the book of Acts and then go to share the gospel with people nearby.  It is definitely mutually encouraging, since Mircea has a great passion for the Lord and for others to come to know Christ.  Please pray for Cameron and for these guys as they seek to serve the Lord together.

3. Bible discussion group

Our new apartment is 2 minutes away from a beautiful park in the center of Bucharest.  Surrounding the park are several universities full of students who want to practice their English.  We would like to start a spiritual discussion group in English for those who are interested.  Hopefully, our group will form into a Bible study in our home in the fall.  Please pray that we will find people who are interested in discussing spiritual things.

4. Roma camp

Here is Cameron with the camp director, Lisa, and a Roma (gypsy) friend, Mihai.  Lisa asked us to help out with the camp this year, because she will not be able to be there.  Cameron will serve as the camp pastor, and Jessica will be the camp "Mom" (lead a small group Bible study, play "nurse," deal with drama/discipline issues, and be an encourager).  The camp will be July 6-12.  Please pray for us as we prepare, and that God will work mightily in the lives of those who come to camp.

5. New apartment

We were excited to have a big group of people in our new apartment for the first time last night.  As we mentioned above, our apartment is super close to a big park, and we've already met several of our neighbors.  It's nice to feel like part of a community again.  Please pray that our home will be a Lighthouse for the gospel to this community.

6. Language partners

This picture is actually 6 years old!  We didn't realize that we have not taken pictures with any of our language partners until right now.  Here is Cameron with our friend, Elvis, in 2007.  Cameron & Elvis meet fairly regularly to (try) to speak in Romanian for as long as possible.  Elvis is a solid Christian leader and a good friend.  Jessica's language partner, Laura, recently got a full-time job, so it is more difficult to meet regularly.  Jessica is hoping to also begin to meet soon for language practice with a friend of a friend.  Please pray for us as we continue to meet with language partners and grow in our understanding and ability to speak in Romanian. 

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
 - Proverbs 16:9