Saturday, July 20, 2013

When Sinners Turn to Jesus

In the past 2 weeks, we've seen a LOT of sinners come to Jesus.  What a joy it is! 

This month has been one of the busiest months since we arrived last October.  Last week, we were privileged to serve with an American team and Romanian/Roma believers in a youth camp about 2 hours from Bucharest.  The camp theme was "Stii?" which means "Do you know?"  Cameron served as the camp pastor and Jessica led a small group Bible study.  It was a very stretching time both for language and ministry, but God greatly blessed us to be able to communicate well in Romanian.  Approximately 20 students accepted Christ!  It was such a blessing to see their hearts turn from sin to repentance. 

This week we helped with another American team here in Bucharest.  We all distributed flyers around the city for the National Bible Reading Campaign (  The flyers/tracts ask the question: "Which way will you choose?" with one side being the "Way of Man" that emphasizes good works and the other side being the "Way of the Lord" that emphasizes forgiveness and grace in Jesus.  Most people who received the flyer walked away reading it intensely.  Many asked us questions about what it meant, and sometimes this even led to good contacts and Bible studies!  At least 3 people accepted Christ on the spot through the efforts of this team. 

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks:

We were privileged to go on a retreat with our church, Biserica Agapia, in the mountains of Romania on July 4 - 6.

Cameron preaching with Mihai translating.  Cameron has known Mihai since 2006!

Jessica's small group/Emily's cabin - can you pick out the Americans by our bigger smiles?

Thursday afternoon, Cameron went down the HUGE water slide!
 If you would like to see a video of Jessica singing in Romanian with our friend Nicole singing in English, please click on this link: 

Friday afternoon, the youth led a program for about 40 children from nearby villages.  It was really cool to see them take the lead. 

One of the youth teaching his partner about what each color of the Jesus bracelet represents to share the gospel.  Black = sin, Red = blood of Jesus, White = when we repent, we are made white as snow, Blue = baptism, Green = growing as a Christian, and Yellow = streets of gold in heaven.

The group of students who came forward on Friday night to say that they had professed their faith in Jesus while at camp.  :)
Eating dinner at the mall with some of the American team this week.

The lady in the middle, Ms. Julia, is 76 years old, and this is her 6th overseas mission trip.  She and Deborah (on the right) led 2 women to Christ last Saturday.  They have had 4 Bible studies with these Romanian women, and Jessica was privileged to go with them on Thursday and Friday.  Jessica, Deborah (who was one of the Romanian translators), and our supervisor, Wanda,  will continue the Bible study with these ladies in their home.
"For when you did awesome things that we did not expect,
    you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
 Since ancient times no one has heard,
    no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
    who acts on behalf of those who wait for him."
 - Isaiah 64:3-4